

If there is no specific incident date, please enter today's date

Below is the definition of the incident type selected


Reporter & Contact Person

Click the magnifying glass to search for the name or start typing

Click the magnifying glass to search for the name or start typing

Profit Center Info

Click the magnifying glass to search for your Profit Center or start typing

Workplace Injury/Incident
Accident Info

Use 24 hour clock

Event occurred at work or as a result of the work environment

Non Employee Injury
Injured Person Info

AUS Mat Claims

Spills/Hot Liquids

Employee Injury
Employee Info

Click the magnifying glass to search for the name or start typing

Employee Accident Info

Use 24 hr clock

Medical Info


Operator Only

Hotline / Global Security

Concerns are always confidential, and if you choose, you may report your concern anonymously.

Click the magnifying glass to search for your Profit Center or start typing

Manager Details

Click the magnifying glass to search for the Manager or start typing


Below are the definitions of the incident types selected


Operator Only

People Involved

Food Safety
General Details

Use 24 hour clock

Customer Information:

Medical Treatment

Incident Details:
Potential Foodborne Illness Foreign Object Allergic Reaction Other
Product Details

Use 24hr Clock

Enter # portions sold

External vendor

Aramark prepared

Reported Illness




This form should be submitted in the event of: 

1. A product food safety incident such as spoilage, mold, off-flavor, or discoloration. 

2. A foreign object/defect in a product such as wood, metal, plastic, or increased insect/worm activity in produce. It is critical that incidents are reported as soon as possible after the occurrence so the appropriate parties can take action to achieve satisfactory resolution.

What to expect: Once this intake form is submitted, it will be routed to your Director of Distribution who will then share with the relevant parties for a formal investigation. Once the investigation is complete to the satisfaction of Supply Chain, you will receive communication regarding the resolution and corrective actions taken.

Region Map of Directors of Distribution

Important Information:

  • It is important to provide accurate information and as much detail as possible to ensure a thorough investigation.

  • Lot code information is critical to enable traceability of the batch (where and when the product was produced) and to ensure proper credits. Lot Code Guidance; If lot code is not available, a QA investigation cannot proceed completely. Reach out to your distributor/supplier contact to request a credit or replacement. Your Director of Distribution will support with escalation as necessary. 
  • Place affected product on hold and retain cases/packaging. • Attach photos, invoice copies, and any other supporting documentation associated with this incident, as necessary
  • Fields with an asterisk are required. If you do not have the required information, contact your Director of Distribution for guidance.

see link above for lot code guidance

Foreign Object

(Provide a picture of the object next to a scale e.g. a coin or a ruler)
Allergic Reaction

Operator Only


Auto Accident

Aramark Vehicle Info

XXXX ex 2010

Non-Aramark Vehicle Info

XXXX ex 2010

Non-Aramark Driver Info

Insurance Info

Non Aramark Driver


Property Damage

Refreshments Water Leak

Equipment Info

Property Owner


Click the magnifying glass to search for the name or start typing

Involved Parties

Operator Only

This will be emailed out to you, and available in GMM if not conducted now

SAFE Investigation

Select all that apply 

Workplace Layout/Conditions
Select all that apply 

Floor Conditions
Select all that apply 

Environmental Conditions
Select all that apply 

Procedure or lack of
Select all that apply 

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Select all that apply 

Other Contributing Factors
Select all that apply 

Attachments & Documents

Corrective Action